Saturday, April 24, 2021

Tips when starting Python programming V plotter in Raspberry

Two errors I encountered and How I googled them out of existence.

  1.  Initially when importing numpy in python after installing it using python3 -m pip install numpy, i got error that "Importing numpy shared c extensions failed.". It got solved after running "sudo apt-get install libatlas-base-dev". Answer from ""
  2. While importing serial and running serial.Serial(), i got error that serial has nothing called Serial. Solution was to uninstall serial and install pyserial. Answer from ""

pip uninstall serial
pip uninstall pyserial
pip install pyserial 

Working code in Raspbian 32 bit Os on Raspberry 4 B, with arduino cnc shield , 28BYJ motors for V plotter:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib
# ensure pyserial and serial is installed
import serial
import time

ser = serial.Serial("/dev/ttyUSB0")
ser.baudrate = 9600

# Existing steps per mm was 250 for x and y axis. It was found using $$ command.
# Measured actual travel of thread and set the $0 and $1 variable to correct values.
#$0 = 138.8 = 139 steps per mm
#$1 = 138.8 = 139 steps per mm
if (ser.is_open):
    print ("\n Serial port has been opened")
    print("\n Initialising communication with GRBL on the arduino")
    print("\n Using ")
    print("\n Could not open serial port for communicating with GRBL on the arduino")

# Communicating for codes
print("Stripping all end of characters for safety before encoding to byte string.")

print("Using G01 command for a basic move command")
command= "G01X{}Y{}".format(10,10)
#reading reply
grbl_reply = ser.readline().strip()
print("GRBL replied that")

print("\n Closing serial port ,finally.")        