Saturday, August 20, 2022

STM 32 programming


 STM32 can be programmed via

  1. Not clear: Serial wire debug = SWD
  2. Not clear: JTAG
  3. DFU= Device firware upgrade 
    1. ( No provision of setting break points in DFU mode)
    2. Use application note AN3156 
    3. STM32 Cube programmer software use elf file as input
    4. STM32 Cube programmer can upload using 
      1. STLINK
      2. USB
      3. UART
    5. Boot zero pin to be pulled to high and restart the MCU to put the MCU in the DFU mode.
    6. After flashing the elf file to the MCU using the STM32 Cube programmer, pull boot 0 pin low, restart the MCU
  4. Not clear: Via USB = You have to write your own boot loader for this.

Saturday, August 13, 2022

DynCont#5 Fixed and relative frames of reference in high speed shafts

  1.  We always measure the speed only in the fixed frame of reference, inertial, non accelerating, constant velocity.
  2. It is easier to do integration in ground fixed, inertial frame of reference.
  3. But for a whirling shaft / tumbling body, the mass moment of inertia along the x axis of fixed frame of reference keeps changing due to the tumbling of the disk,even though the disk is rigid.
  4. For an axis system that is aligned to the disk at a particular instant in time, not fixed to the disk, the mass moment of inertia along the x axis of the aligned system is constant.
  5. But it is difficult to do time integrations along this axis system that is aligned to the disk 
  6. Again, we are only measuring with respect to ground fixed reference system. That value, we are expressing in terms of an axis system that is aligned to the disk at that particular instant of time. This is only to use the inertia defined in the disk aligned axis system. With this kinetic energy, we can write the Lagrange governing equation and then derive the fundamental equation of motion. 

Saturday, August 6, 2022


Mathematical modeling

  1.  Development of physics based models for mechanical systems from fundamental equations.
  2. Development of plant models using system identification techniques from test data with various control inputs (Step, impulse, sine sweep, PRBS)
  3. Development of performance augmentation controllers / Stabilising controllers using
    1. PD
    2. PI
    3. PID
    4. LQR
    5. State space control
  4. Development of simulation models in 
    1. Python using numpy/scipy
    2. Matlab with Simulink.
  5. Tuning of controllers using the simulation models

Embedded programming /  Electrical schematics / PCB

  1. Implementation of control algorithms in C for TI MCU / AVR MCU / C2000 DSP
  2. Design of electrical schematics for controllers and power circuits
  3. Design of signal conditioners for ADC and DAC
  4. Simulation of electrical schematics using LTspice/Falstad
  5. Design of PCB (low speed upto 5kHz) 

 Mechanical design

  1. Design of test rigs using Solidworks : Dimensioning/TOleranceing GD &T as per ASME standards
  2. Optimising design for assembly and manufacturability.
  3. Design of sheet metal structures for equipment , test rigs and protective enclosures.
  4. Design of welded structures / frames
  5. Follow up : Fabrication of machined parts : CNC turning center / VMC machining center.
  6. Follow up :  3D printing (ABS/PLA/PCA)