IISC Bangalore open day on Saturday 24 February 2024.
Photos and contact details from the visit:
Funding opportunities for start ups under stem cell fund:
Magnetic levitation stage for precision positioning in the nanometer scale:
Diamagnetic levitation, PCB coils, graphite middle layer, magnet floats, use closed loop positioning
Voltage interference testing at IIsc for embedded system development:
Base excitation of multi storeyed building, earthquake simulation for studying the resonance frequency of buildings
TMS 320 based embedded controller (DSP) with thrust bearing in the background
Schematic of AMB testing rig at IISc
Controller and power amplifier for AMB
Paper by Dr Kamisetty on power amplifiers for AMB (1)
Paper by Dr Kamisetty on power amplifiers for AMB (2)
Close up of radial AMB
Homopolar type AMB for thrust bearing using pot core. I did this in 2017.
H bridge driver for homopolar bearing and core of the homopolar thrust bearing (grey coil , 3d printed)
Demonstration model of radial AMB setup
Dr Kamisetty and his friend at AMB lab. Dr Ashutosh not present for
Constant in the differential equation itself is being changed
(m,c,k in (ma+cv+kx=f)) with electromagnets to actuate the system instead of using
force to actuate. Classic example: Vibrating inverted pendulumn on a speaker.
Electro static discharge testing facility at IISc embedded system development:
Voltage interference testing at IIsc for embedded system development:
Compliance testing for embedded system development:
Contact details for compliance testing in embedded system development at IISc
Hydraulic piston and cylinder arrangement with syringes:
Base excitation of multi storeyed building, earthquake simulation for studying the resonance frequency of buildings
Manufacturer of horizontal excitation table:
Switched reluctance motor (SRM) development by Prof G Narayanan
BH curve characterization for electromagnetic core materials
Plotting the BH curve of small transformer cores, showing the hysteresis region with xy plots
Power amplifier for BH curve characterization
TMS 320 based embedded controller (DSP) with thrust bearing in the background
Schematic of AMB testing rig at IISc
Controller and power amplifier for AMB
Paper by Dr Kamisetty on power amplifiers for AMB (1)
Paper by Dr Kamisetty on power amplifiers for AMB (2)
SRM motor torque control
Close up of radial AMB
Homopolar type AMB for thrust bearing using pot core. I did this in 2017.
H bridge driver for homopolar bearing and core of the homopolar thrust bearing (grey coil , 3d printed)
Demonstration model of radial AMB setup
Dr Kamisetty and his friend at AMB lab. Dr Ashutosh not present for