Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Learning Neural networks 3

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@author: Balaji
print('\n 18 March Program for a simple neural network, doing a forward pass with one layer')
print('\n 21 March Added provision for data generation for use in training.')
print('\n 21 March Formating input data as a matrix for faster multiplication with weights')
print('\n 22 March Initialise bias to 0, weights to very small ~0.01 random numbers, put computations inside a class')

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

class Layer_dense():
def __init__(self, num_pixels, num_neurons):
np.random.seed(1); #For repeatability
self.weights = np.random.randn(num_neurons ,num_pixels);
self.biases = np.random.randn(num_neurons ,1);
#self.output_beforeActivation = np.zeros((num_neurons,1));
def forward(self, inputs):
self.output_beforeActivation = np.dot(self.weights,inputs)+self.biases;
def applyReluActivation (self):
self.output_afterActivation = np.maximum(0,self.output_beforeActivation);

num_neurons = 4;
num_pixels = 5;
num_images = 10;

# Input data set properties
slope = np.tan(np.deg2rad(30));
intercept = 50;

print('\n Creating input data:')
np.random.seed(1); #For repeatability
inputs = np.zeros((num_pixels,num_images));
x = np.arange(0,num_pixels);
x = x.reshape((num_pixels,1));
for dataSet_iter in range(num_images):
inputs[:,dataSet_iter:dataSet_iter+1] = (slope*x+intercept) + (intercept*0.1)*(np.random.randn(x.size,1));

print('\n Plotting input data set :')
plt.xlabel('Pixel number')
plt.ylabel('Pixel value')
plt.title('Input data set')

print('\n Create a dense layer, fully connected, of the class Layer_dense')
firstLayer = Layer_dense(num_pixels = num_pixels, num_neurons = num_neurons);

print('\n Result = ')
print('\n Each column is result of the network per image, after activation')


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