Aerosurveillance ASV 200
1. Similar to Aerosurveillance ASV 150
2. Can give 3kW powr to payload
3. 30 HP petrol engine
4. Length = 3.2 m
5. Height = 1.15m
6. Main rotor diameter = 3.3 m
7. Max take off weight = 91 kg
8. Payload = 30 kg
9. Service ceiling = 4.5 km
10. Speed = 150 kmph
Alcore easy copter
- 1. For aerial photography
- 2. 180 Watts = 0.24 HP brushless motor
- 3. 12V LIPO batter
- 4. Main rotor diameter = 0.65m
- 5. MTOW = 1.6 kg
- 6. Endurance = 15 mins
Camcopter Schiebel S-100 = 558 ARPGrif-K
- 1. L = 3.1m
- 2. H = 1.12m
- 3. MRD = 3.4m
- 4. TD = 0.66m
- 5. MTOW = 200 kg
- 6. Empty weight = 110 kg
- 7. Payload = 50 kg
- 8. Fuel = 50 kg
- 9. Ceiling = 5.4 km
- 10. V Never exceed = 222 kmph
- 11. Cruise = 102 kmph
- 12. Range = 200 km
- 13. Engine = Avgas piston
- 14. Fast rotor speed designed to use the heat from gear box, engine and exhaust to prevent the icing on the main rotor
Poly technologies Uz5E
- 1. Scale 5 wind resistance
- 2. MTOW = 420 kg
- 3. Payload = 50 kg
- 4. Ceiling = 3.5 km
- 5. Speed = 180 kmph
- 6. Control link range = 79 km
- 7. Endurance = 6 hr
Sunic ocean SU H2M
1. Can hover in 33 Knots wind
2. Requires 8x8m landing area
3. 2 bladed main rotor
4. Has fly bar
5. 34.9 HP petrol engine, 6500 RPM, 4 stroke rotary engine
6. Fuel 35:1 fuel :lub oil
7. Consumption = 5 mins per litre
8. 294 CC exhaust volume for silencer
9. L = 3.81 m
10. Ht = 1.01 m
11. Width = 0.72m
12. MRD = 3.2,
13. TRS = 0.56m
14. MTOW = 110 kg
15. Empty weight = 65kg
16. Payload = 35 kg
17. Service ceiling = 3km
18. Cruise = 60 kmph
19. Range = 100 km in radio comm link
20. Video range = 50 km
21. Endurance = 3hrs
Yamaha R50 and RMAX
- Agricultural spraying helicopter
- Yamaha got project for simple agricultural spraying boom for Japanese fields, kept iterating the design and finally ended up making a full fledged helicopter
- 1100 R50s produced till date
- 1600 RMAXs produced till date
- Both use YACS = Yamaha attitude control system
- Mine will use BACS = Bajji attitude control system.
- 2 bladed main rotor
- Twin skid landing gear with ground handling wheels
- All metal
- Detachable spray boom
- Liquid capacity = 10 litres = 2.6 Gallons
- R50 = 11.8 hp, 98 CC, 2 stroke L12 engine
- RMAX = 20.7hp, 246 CC, 2 stroke L15 engine
- 4 litre fuel capacity