Thursday, September 8, 2022

PID control resources for NI system

 LABVIEW Vi for implementing a single channel PID controller:

Use queue and channel wires

Use QUEUE to communicate between analog read and analog write task
One portion of code is creating (or producing) data to be processed (or consumed) by another portion. The advantage of using a queue is that the producer and consumer will run as parallel processes and their rates do not have to be identical.

PID control labview example video:

Thesis on PID control with labview

Simple on off control LABVIEW

Basic on off control using labview

Hardware timed PID control using shared sample clock and trigger

PID control with python and NIDAQMX


Edit on 15 Oct 2022

1) Your code comments refer to wanting to be able to update output signals at 100 Hz, presumably under software control.  I assume this means you want <= 10 msec latency between your software deciding on an output value and having that output appear as a real world signal.     This is pretty tricky to accomplish with a buffered output task, and (I suspect) likely impossible when the device is connected by USB or Ethernet.  You may need to approach this with an unbuffered, software-timed, "on-demand" task and then live with the corresponding irregularities and uncertainties of software timing
2) The rule of thumb wouldn't apply to situations where low latency is the priority.  A lot of typical data acq and signal generation apps don't need real-time low latency.  They generate pre-defined stimulus signals and collect data for post-processing later.  The rule of thumb works well in those cases, allowing live displays with only *moderate* latency, enough for an operator to see what's going on.
3) In the past when I experimented with trying to do low latency hw-clocked AO, it wasn't trivial to get < 10 msec even with a PCIe device.  I recall that in order to get there, I needed to set up a few different low-level and fairly advanced DAQmx properties to non-default values.  I wouldn't have expected the defaults for a cDAQ system over USB to support that kind of usage so easily.

Sample rate and samples per channel


Hardware timed single point

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