Thursday, September 8, 2022

Time stamping of acquired data samples from NI DAQ devices.

  1. DAQ cards do not have a time stamp mechanism, so we use the t0 (Buffer read time, not task start time) and dt in LabVIEW to time stamp it. Link =
  2. DAQmx does not timestamp samples when they are taken on the DAQ device, but it does when it reads the FIFO samples onto the computer if you are reading in a waveform data type.
  3. Read = Reading from the FIFO buffer  into the PC
  4. Acquire = Acquisition of data by the DAQ hardware
  5. SOlution =  Each time you acquire, note down the time when the specific loop interation starts and then append dt to it for every column.
  6. Every row is a channel
  7. Every column is a sample taken in that channel.

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